About Us

Established in March 2014, Mototrendz Customization is one of the top player in the category of Automotive Customization Services in and around Mumbai. This is a one-stop destination for all your riding requirements. The belief that customer satisfaction is as important as our products and services, have helped us garner a vast base of clients, which continues to grow by the day. We employ individuals that are dedicated towards their respective roles and put in a lot of effort to achieve the common vision and larger goals of the company. In the near future, we aim to expand our line of products and services and cater to a larger client base around the Globe.
We have in house Design & Development Team of Engineers and Designers Focused fully on delivering a Perfect Product or Service satisfying the clients exact Requirements. We make sure that our Designed Products are balanced in all aspects of Engineering, Aesthetics and Ergonomics.
We offer a wide range of products for all categories of Motorcycles and Cars & also design Customized Products as per Clients Requirement
Our Vision is to Build Mototrendz a most Trusted Indian Brand catering our Products and Services all over the Globe by year 2022